First Show


Backstage helping get these young skaters ready to take the ice for annual holiday show, 2015. For some of these kids this show was a first-ever experience — skating in a spotlight and hearing applause inside a packed arena.



Polar Sport Campaign


One of several ads for Polar Sport athletic wear. In this one, I’m in the center doing the layback spin alongside World Team pairs greats Gale Fuhrman (left) and JoJo Starbuck, who was also a two-time Olympian.

The clothing company had become an official outfitter of U.S. Figure Skating’s World and Olympic teams after former fashion model (and adult skater) Anya Robertson changed the look of the sport forever with her sleek designs. But – fun-fact – these outfits were often stiff, starchy and not very comfortable. They did however look great! 


Starting Out


With my lifelong friend Debbie Crawford: Here we are as nine-year-olds, posing just before an exhibition at Christopher Morley Park in New York.

Aside from training together for many years, Debbie and I also competed as a team in  “Similar Pairs.” The popularity of this discipline didn’t last — but it taught us a lot about timing, unison, style and how to match the stride of better, faster skaters. (Debbie was fast!) 

My Coach


Out to dinner in California, 2015, with my own coach, Evelyn Muller Kramer and her dear husband Steven, may he rest in peace.

Evelyn, a World and Olympic coach, was so inspiring to me when I was a kid and has been an uplifting mentor to thousands of skaters worldwide over her many decades in the sport. She continues to teach in Lake Placid every summer.